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Dental Office
Dr. Wim van Thoor - Certified Implantologist
Waldfeuchter Strasse 301 · 52525 Heinsberg-Kirchhoven · Tel.: 02452 989 200

Praxis | Implantology | Cosmetic dentistry | Peridontology | Prophylaxis | Child dentistry | Dentistry | Anesthesia | Lab Bellissimo | Linkliste | Kontakt Anfahrt | Impressum

Team | Diagnostics | Emergency Service | Referral | News

Our team will provide you with sensitive care during the whole treatment. The staff has undergone exigent formation in dental assistance. You will be accompanied beforehand the treatment, during the same and afterwards.
You may address your questions to any of our members of staff. Apart from the company they offer during the different stages of treatment, they can also inform you about domestic dental care.
We want our patients to experience treatments in a laid-back way, creating a calm and unstressed atmosphere: From optimising your appointments, over detailed guidance to a fruitful accomplishment of treatment.

Dr. Wim van Thoor 
Implantologie, Parodontologie

Studium der Zahnmedizin in Amsterdam Examen 1986 Seit 1987 in der Implantologie tätig Seit 1989 in eigener Praxis, Heinsberg Kirchhoven, niedergelassen 1989 Promotion zum Dr. med. dent. Am Klinikum der RWTH Aachen Postakademische Ausbildung Los Angeles UCLA 1994, 1996, 1997 Boston Praxis Krämer / Nevins 1991, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997 Active membership DGZI, EAO, DGI, IOCI, NVOI, DGZMK Diplomate ICOI 2002 Spezialist Implantologie 2003 
Dr. Remy Konowski 
Endodontie, Prothetik, Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde

Zahnarztstudium an der RWTH Aachen Examen Juli 2000 2000-2001 Assistententätigkeit in Aachen Seit 2001 in Praxis Dr Wim van Thoor 2008 Promotion zum an der RWTH Aachen